chill fun store 返嚟喇!! we are back to all friends
*for whom couldn't Chinese, please see the English content abstracts in the bottom of this page.
大家好嘛? 好耐冇見,別來無恙嗎?
我哋冇執笠,我哋仲健在,我哋 chill fun 家族全家都好幸福~
其實過去2個月,我哋只係好低調,但又好積極,而且好勤力咁,重新為業務定位,所以由品牌形象,經營模式,產品組合等等,逐樣逐樣執到正,所以到今日正式 re-launch,開檔做生意。
1. 新 logo, 新口號
大家見到新 logo 嘛 ,加入咗 digital 元素,代表 E Commerce 電子商貿,即係我哋嘅業務。而 chill fun store 三個代表顏色: 藍,紅,黃,亦化身成三色 PLAY buttons,突出全新口號 Slogan:
"don't stay, PLAY ~ 及時行樂"
2. 以後講中文,至有親切感
另外, 以前我哋成個假西人咁嘞嘞聲講英文,因為以為你哋全部都係假西人,點知原來 friends list 之中,超過 98% 係 local 本地人,所以講口語化嘅中文最有親切感,大家啱 channel。不過我哋唔會忽略小部分唔識中文嘅正西人,會有精簡嘅英人介紹,放心。
3. 產品組合多元化,迎合 member 所想所求
轉用中文嘅另一原因,係好多朋友嘅外語水平呢,就真係。。。 連本店寶號 chill fun store 咁簡單嘅英文都理解錯誤,成日最多人問嘅就係 Do you have stuffs? Any stuffs?
哈,chill fun 係咩嘢意思呢? 點解無喇喇要同 stuffs "乜東東" 扯上關係呢?
我哋對chill fun 嘅定義,將會開另一個 post 再講。簡單而言,chill fun 中文意思係: 輕鬆舒適的樂趣,為咗帶來呢啲樂趣,我哋提供嘅 stuffs,唔係你哋而我哋所帶來為嘅 ,係以下咁多種嘅 stuffs:
率性玩樂 fun / sex aid fun
包括: 潤滑劑,安全套,性玩具,助性用品,以及好多朋友口中窄義嘅 "chill fun" 所需要嘅各種用具
養生保健 fun / health care fun
包括: 壯舉產品,維他命補給,調理身體保健品,助眠產品,增肌奶粉,脫髮維護產品,護膚美顏用品
潮人潮著 fun / fashion trendy fun
包括: 性感內褲,水著泳褲,太陽眼鏡,潮流配飾,耳環/鼻釘/唇環/乳環/臍環,頸鏈/手鏈,時尚 cockring
舒適生活 fun / life well-being fun
包括: 科技產品,潮流玩意, 趣味玩意,生活百貨,家品用具,精品擺設
4. 唔只講 fun,仲同你講心
用中文溝通,亦都係想用最親切嘅語言,同各位make friends 。為咗配合發展,我哋設置咗一個 blog 介紹各類型產品,同時,亦覺得呢個blog 可以做得更多。
因此我哋會發起形形色色切合香港同志生活嘅主題,只談風月, 不論時政,總之 nothing too serious,無聊雜談,八八卦卦,生活資訊,同志要聞,生活感覺。英文或其他主流語言嘅同類型 Blog 數之不量,但係香港本土,用中文,講白話,關於男同志生活點滴嘅Blog,舉一個例?
作為社會中小數族群, 我哋需要一個有安全感以及歸屬感嘅秘密花園。而在呢個地方,希望我哋可以感受到同志生活中,除咗1定0,Top or Btm,Do you have place? What are you looking for,What fun are you into,safe sex or raw,1 on 1 or group,normal fun or what fun.....之外,我哋嘅生命以至世界,其實仲有其他,以及更多。
快啲去 Timeline 睇吓喇。我哋首先擺咗"養生保健 fun - 壯舉產品"上去,另外我哋新開嘅 website 今日試上線,可以上去睇吓。
預告吓啲開心嘢先,聽日我哋開始送大禮,凡在上年11月開始至4月,即係半年試營業期間幫趁過我哋嘅朋友,我哋感激你哋嘅支持,小小哋送啲禮品俾你哋。其他朋友,你哋都有份嘅,做得我嘅 friends,成日都收到我禮物架喇,我至鍾意送禮物!!
Talk to you tomorrow. Have fun time.
*English abstracts:
- chill fun store went through the business revamping project over last few months, and now we present to the customers the brand new logo as well as new slogan:
don't stay !! PLAY~~
- major change is that we hv decided using Chinese written in Cantonese dialogue style in all communications, simply because 98% of our friends are HK local Chinese. However, we will keep posting in English/Chinese bilingual in important notices, as well as product information
- product mix will be divided into 4 streams:
1. sex aid fun
2. health care fun
3. fashion trendy fun
4. life well-being fun
- another major reason for language change is to develop a blog, which established due to business revamp, as a sharing perform in gay life for HK local Chinese that rarely seen currently but we are actually in need.
- to celebrate our company re-launching, we will offer some free gifts to the old friends and all others.Keep you posted in our new updates
chill fun store -
don't stay, PLAY !! 及時行樂